Holiya (caste)

Holiya are a scheduled caste of India, mainly belonging to present day Karnataka State,[1][2] Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu and also Madhya Pradesh[3]

Originally, they were one of the out-caste, commonly an agricultural labor. The term Hola means an agricultural field and term Holiya is derived from Hola.[1]

In British India, Holiyas lived in Canara, Coorg Province and Mysore. They were one of the lowest class, a perdial slave, who can be sold by the owner of the estate in which they were located.[1][2]

Holiyas are considered to be a sub division of Dher. Among Dhers there were three principal class of slaves called Holiyas, Yemaru and Paleru.[1]

Holiya are also known by name of Pariah in some areas.[1][4] The old Tamil poems and early Christian writing don not mention the word Pariah or Paraiyan but mention name of a tribe called Eyninas, who were quiet distinct form the rest of people and did not live in villages, but in forts of their own. Mr Francis, a historian, regards them as ancestors of present day Pariahas or Holiyas.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f [1] Indian Encyclopaedia, Volume 1 By Subodh Kapoor, Page 5504.
  2. ^ a b [2] Encyclopaedia Asiatica, Comprising Indian Subcontinent, Eastern and Southern Asia: O-Rhamneae by Edward Balfour. Cosmo Publications, 1976
  3. ^ [3] Census of India, 1991: Madhya Pradesh, Issue 2
  4. ^ [4] Religion and society, Volume 40. Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, 1993 - Religion